It was this article and the recent one on solemnity that made me subscribe to this substack. And I never subscribe to substacks. It's rare to see someone capable of growth and change to this extent. I had to double take to make sure it was actually you writing this.

And since you're determined to chart your own path regardless of what other people think, that means I have no reason not to voice my appreciation.

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When we were forced to be with the same people in a room for years on end, parents telling us that they'll leave us alone if se don't do anything was infuriating advice.

As adults, we can find imagined bullies and lash out at a small slight and fight.

Or run away.

Ignoring them is often impossible if se want to stay with a group we like.

We can try talking to them about our perspective - if they'll listen.

After all, they might see a bully in us just from our way of life.

If we have to keep running away, only hurtful self-improvement remains.

It seems like a safe space might be almost beyond reach, that the world Is built to exhaust us at all times.

Picking ones battle becomes impossible when all acts become a battle.

At least we can try and battle for good, from our subjective perspective, it seems.

Let's pray that it becomes wide enough for us to see the battlefield in its endless fractal complexity.

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