Mar 5, 2021Liked by GOLDEN WITCH

I read twitter, and blogs mostly about esoteric computing stuff.

i have a had a hard time with reading however because if it's too long it takes too much attention.

Eyes are hungry for more information, can't process text fast enough.

so if it's going to take more than about 3 minutes to read i copy the text into a file and use the program "mimic" to read it for me

my bashrc has alias say='mimic --setf duration_stretch=.8 -voice slt -pw -f'

so i can just be like

"say thefile"

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What blogs/twitter about that stuff do you follow? I'm in CS and might be interested in it

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Mar 5, 2021Liked by GOLDEN WITCH

I need to read a lot of articles cuz of my work (as a researcher for my university)

I pass most of my time on Twitter

Hate reading manga/comics online

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I read online fiction (Worm and Mother of Learning are great), blog post stuff like you've been posting here (mostly Scott Alexander lately), and philosophy (I've been reading a lot of Wittgenstein, Hegel, and Zizek lately, but while I really like Wittgenstein and Hegel, Zizek's honestly been kinda boring for me so far). Also occasionally research papers if the subject is really interesting, but they're not exactly gripping reads lol

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I was just thinking of mentioning Scott, cool to see him already mentioned. Still disappointed B never got through Meditations on Moloch (https://slatestarcodex.com/2014/07/30/meditations-on-moloch/) because iirc she thought it was about poetry, if you're reading this B you should really give it another shot! It's probably one of the best mental tools for understanding why humans (among other things) have trouble cooperating.

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https://stratechery.com/ is the nerdy tech business blog that I love

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Absolute fucktons of fan fiction. Manga and Korean web toons on Lezhin. And then whenever I’m focusing on a hobby/interest I read stuff relevant to that.

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I just finished Gravity’s Rainbow by Thomas Pynchon .. A book about paranoia and the concept of freedom and control ... I have used this covid thing to try to finish books I always meant to read ..

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Atm I'm reading Berserk and 'The social behaviour of anuran amphibians' by Kentwood D. Wells

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I use libgen for pdfs to extend my media hording into the realm of literature. That and rateyourmusic user lists. https://rateyourmusic.com/list/JMW2000/journal/

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I read an incredible amount of manga, not much aside from that. Reading is a chore to me and I generally prefer to listen to things if possible, but I'll read your damn blog if you post it in my field of vision i guess <3

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